Providing 24/7 or even daily care of a few hours for a frail elderly person with multiple physical and mental challenges can involve more stress, anxiety, frustration and exhaustion than many caregivers can safely endure for long. A Geriatric Care Management service like Elder Care Options For You, LLC, can assist with some tasks and set up a system of care so the primary caregiver doesn’t get burned out and suffer physical and emotional illness themselves. These are our primary services but every situation is unique and requires a unique set of solutions.
ASSESSMENT: Understand all aspects of situation of both older person and the caregiver and prioritize needs
PLANNING: Help you devise a care plan, using options that you choose
SERVICE LINKS: Refer you to the most appropriate professionals, community programs, activities, resources, facilities, respite services, support groups, etc. Monitor the services and intervene as necessary to ensure quality of care.
RESIDENTIAL EVALUATION/TRANSITION: Objectively evaluate alternative housing; make joint tours of facilities; analyze the technical state survey reports; help you prepare the older person emotionally for the transition, by emphasizing the positive elements of the change; assist with a transition to residential facilities; attend care plan meetings with the caregiver or as your representative.
FAMILY MEDIATION & CONFLICT RESOLUTION: An objective, neutral professional can help mediate conflicts about care plans, finances, caregiver roles, etc., so the family better focuses on the best interest of the loved one, and the primary caregiver. Families not in serious conflict often benefit from planning sessions with a facilitator also.
LOCAL SUPPORT: Serve as care manager when the primary caregiver is away or unavailable, short term; serve as local care manager for long-distance caregivers, long term.
ADVOCACY: Serve as a professional advocate, related to challenging and confusing policies, practices, programs, organizations. We can accompany you and/or your loved one on any appointments
MEDICAID APPLICATIONS: Guide you through the formidable Medicaid process and also preparation of power of attorney and advance health care directives
NATURE OF SERVICES: We offer “care planning, coordination of care & care management,” not clinical psychotherapy
Elder Care Options For You, LLC, is not affiliated with any health, social service, mental health, financial, legal, government or other organization. We have no motivation to direct clients toward specific service providers, or any category of providers.
Our Clients
WHO:Family caregivers who face the complex, challenging tasks of caring for a frail, elderly loved one
•At diagnosis
•At serious change in status of a major disease (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancer, etc.)
•At an immediate crisis such as stroke, broken hip, COPD episode
•When a transition from home to a residence looks imminent
WHERE:We make HOME VISITS! We can meet in your home, office, a hospital, assisted living, nursing home, rehab—whichever best for you
HOW:Initial visits usually last about one and a half to two hours. You might require no further visits, ongoing support and care management, occasional visits, a few follow-up phone calls or “urgent calls.”
IT’S ALL ABOUT YOU: Your needs set the agenda, process, timing, cost
Please allow us to serve as a critical member of your support team
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Call us: 732-689-5948
Caregivers NJ, Family Caregivers NJ, Caregiver Support NJ, Alzheimer’s Care NJ, Elder Care Management NJ,
Elder Care Planning NJ, Senior Care NJ, Alzheimer’s Support NJ